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Среда, 11 Июня 2008, 8:17 Fiddler On The Roof (A Fidler Afn Dakh), in Yiddish
originally released by varmed...

Fiddler On The Roof (A Fidler Afn Dakh), in Yiddish (with Shmuel Rudenski), LP RIP 256



01. Tradition (Shmuel Rudenski & Co)
02. Matchmaker,Matchmaker (Atalia Cahana,Etty Grottes and Tirza Arbel)
03. If I Were A Rich Man (Shmuel Rudenski)
04. Sabbath Prayer (Shmuel Rurenski,Lea Dulitzkaya &Co)
05. To Life (Shmuel Rudenski,Chaim Polani & Male Chorus)
06. Miracle Of Miracles (Albert Cohen)


07. Tevye's Dream (Shmuel Rudenski,Lea Dulitzkaya,Hanna Binyamini,
Zafrira Yaroni & Co)
08. Sunrise,Sunset (Shmuel Rudenski,Lea Dulitzkaya &Co)
09. Wedding Dance (Orchestra)
10. Do You Love Me? (Shmuel Rudenski & Lea Dulitzkaya)
11. Far From Home I Love (Etty Grottes)
12. Anatevka (Shmuel Rudenski,Lea Dulitzkaya,Alina Stranitska,
Chaim Polani,Yakar Zemach,Josef Hazan)

MP3 256 (LP RIP), размер / size = 86 mb

пару картинок LP ковриков (найденно на Ebay) :


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P.S. Качайте на здоровье и ... наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)
land26, Ирена,
Суббота, 24 Май 2008, 10:58 Adrienne Cooper & Zalmen Mlotek - Ghetto Tango (2000)
от / from cianfulli...

Adrienne Cooper & Zalmen Mlotek ::: Ghetto tango
Wartime Yiddish theater
> 192 kbps / with full booklet scans

Adrienne Cooper: voice
Zalmen Mlotek: piano

01 Moyshe halt zikh 2:38
02 Coolies 3:46
03 Mues 2:58
04 Mazl/On a heym 3:29
05 Makh tsu di eygelekh 3:20
06 Peshe fun Reshe 3:07
07 Yisrolik 3:27
08 Moorsoldaten 1:42
09 Vayl ikh bin a yidele 2:23
10 Fun der arbet 3:58
11 Nit keyn rozhinkes 3:10
12 Ver klapt es 2:55
13 Friling 5:49
14 Song of the nazi soldier's wife 3:17
15 Amerike hot erklert 1:26
16 Yid du partizaner 1:34
17 Minutn fun bitokhn 3:15
18 The bar mitzve speech 0:56

2000 • Traditional crossroads CD 4297

In the Jewish ghetto of Poland and Lithuania during World War II, a world of dislocation, terror and death, cabaret music thrived. Jewish audiences gathered in makeshift clubs and theaters to hear newly-created Yiddish songs, rooted in Jewish folk and liturgical music as well as European operetta, American ragtime and Argentine tango. Jewish performer tuned these cosmopolitan songs in a local key: satirical and elegiac, political and personal, angry and heartsick. Together they created something rare, scarcely conceivable

If you like Kurt Weill or Tom Waits, you will probably enjoy Ghetto Tango, an immaculately packaged collection of World War II Yiddish theater songs intelligently interpreted by two contemporary musicians. Adrienne Cooper's vocals can crack you up with laughter or wring your guts with heartbreak, and Zalmen Mlotek's piano accompaniment is brilliant. The anger,irony and danger of the lyrics stand out starkly on tales of greed, hunger, homelessness and death camps. And Cooper's liner notes and translations are comprehensive and detailed."
Rhythm Magazine

Adrienne Cooper and Zalmen Mlotek recreate a remarkable piece of musical history with Ghetto Tango: Wartime Yiddish Theater.
The Jews torn from their homes and crammed into the ghettoes of Lithuania and Poland **d young and old, laborers and college students, teachers, doctors, lawyers -- and musicians. In the Warsaw ghetto, in Lodz, Vilna and the rest of the unofficial cabarets sprang up. Orchestras and choruses pieced themselves together as well. Musicians, both professional and amateur, began writing and performing as well as adapting popular music of the time. Much of their music reflected or satirized their bleak circumstances and bolstered the spirits of the audiences. Incredibly, not only were these ghetto night clubs visited by Nazi authorities and German soldiers, but they were photographed by Nazi propaganda units.
Cooper and Mlotek run the gamut of moods in Ghetto Tango, with Cooper providing powerhouse vocals on most of the tracks accompanied by Mlotek on piano. Mlotek sings some of the songs either alone or with Cooper, and his voice is a warm-timbred tenor. The first track, "Moyshe halt zikh (Moyshe Hold On)," is from a musical review produced in Vilna ghetto and kicks off with a rippling run up the keyboard and a lively melody. Cooper's voice is deep and rich, attacking the lyrics with energy and verve. She demonstrates the versatility of her voice in "Coolies" which parallels the plight of Chinese rickshaw runners with the Jews imprisoned in the Warsaw ghetto where "after the trams were taken out of use ... improvised rickshaw transportation became the only way of getting around the teeming ghetto." The vocals are high, light and precise here, in keeping with the faux-oriental accompaniment.
Cooper and Mlotek get down to business in "Mues (Money)," a jazzy, brazen, brassy song about the way the ghetto life corrupts because "money is the only thing." The mood shifts again with "Mazl/Oh a heym (Luck/Homeless)," a delicate and poignant music-box waltz melody which shifts into a melancholy tune. "Makh tsu di eygelekh (Close Your Eyes)" combines a lullaby of hopelessness with a tango, lending urgency to the song.
Other highlights **, but are not limited to, "The Peat Bog Soldiers," the first song to be composed in a concentration camp that became a kind of anthem, "Vayl ikh bin a yidele (Because I am a Jew)," a driving, frenetic, angry song about the conditions of the war, and "Nit keyn rozhinkes (No More Raisins and Almonds)," a poignant song which begins with the lovely minor melody of the lullaby "Raisins and Almonds" then turns the gentle imagery on its ear with a haunting melody and lyrics that spell out cruel reality.
Some Jews were able to escape to America, among them Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill, who collaborated on "Song of the Nazi Soldier's Wife," a chilling song about the gifts a soldier's wife receives from her husband -- presumably items stolen from the Jewish citizens as they are rounded up -- until ** desserts are delivered. Weill broadcast the song via shortwave radio "to demoralize Nazi soldiers and to give heart to the comrades he was forced to leave behind." Cooper's delivery is smooth as silk and deliciously arch.
All 18 tracks are flawlessly arranged, conveying a powerful and authentic range of emotions even though most of the songs are in Yiddish. (Translations are provided in the thorough liner notes.) Much more than living history, Ghetto Tango is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, and it is impossible to imagine any listener remaining unmoved.
Donna Scanlon • Rambles

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Воскресенье, 20 Апреля 2008, 21:44 Marilyn Lerner & Dave Wall - Still Soft Voiced Heart - New Yiddish
Marilyn Lerner & Dave Wall - Still Soft Voiced Heart - New Yiddish Lieder (2001)

Label: Traditional Crossroads

размер / size = 104 mb, 320 kbps
От / From: Darkman

Содержание / Tracklist:

01. Ale Mayne Nekhtns Zaynen Shtign - All My Yesterdays Were Steps (Dora Teitelboim) 2:43
02. Trili (Peretz Miransky) 2:37
03. Anointed By The Moon - Es Hot Mikh Gezalbt A Levone (Peretz Miransky) 3:32
04. Miles Away From Myself - Mayln-Vayt Zikh Aleyn (Zisha Landau) 2:46
05. How Through Green Grassed Fields - Vi Durkh Grin Bagrozte Felder 2:20
06. To A Woman Socialist - Tsu A Sotsialistin (Avram Sutskever) 3:09
07. My Shadow - Mayn Shotn (Peretz Miransky) 3:50
08. Every Being - Yeder Yesh (Peretz Miransky) 3:10
09. A Wind - A Vint (Peretz Miransky) 1:46
10. The Singer - Der Zinger (Kadie Molodowsky) 3:59
11. From Both Ends Of The Earth I - Fun Beyde Ekn Velt I (Avram Sutskever) 3:39
12. From Both Ends Of The Earth II - Fun Beyde Ekn Velt II (Avram Sutskever) 2:42
13. Anthem - A Himen (Avram Sutskever) 2:20
14. Rusishe Sher 4:37
15. Softly Let Us All Vanish - Shtil Lomir Ale Farshvindn (Zisha Landau) 3:01

Marilyn Lerner, piano
Dave Wall, voice

All compostions by David Wall and Mailyn Lerner,
except "Rusishe Sher"
arr. M. Lerner

Ссылкa / Link: мульти-зеркала... / multi-mirrors... :D
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P.S. Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

P.S. #2 Очень талантливая "парочка" (обои также в популярной клезмер группе "Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band")... - одни из "элитных оживителей" мировой Yiddish поэзии .. в сочитании с музыкой

Pianist Marilyn Lerner and singer David Wall are at the forefront of an international revival of Yiddish poetry set to music. Their expansive arrangements of works by 20th century Yiddish poets have yielded some of the most intimate, moving repertoire in contemporary Jewish music.


Klezmershack's Review:

Marilyn Lerner and David Wall / Still soft-voiced heart, 2001. Traditional Crossroads, 80702-4310-2, www.traditionalcrossroads.com
David Wall is one of the amazing voices in Jewish music today. Along with Lorin Sklamberg and Michael Alpert, he manages to make songs come expressively alive. This album, with pianist and fellow Flying Bulgar Marilyn Lerner is, in some ways, a continuation of work they did with a somewhat larger, more jazzy ensemble several years ago, From Both Ends of the Earth. In continuing this now-revived Yiddish Art Song tradition, Lerner and Wall not only demonstrate the continued vitality of new Yiddish poetry, but create a classically-inspired delightful excursion into the ways and wiles of love and life. In this, they not only continue their own earlier work (and echo work by Sklamberg, Alpert, Adrienne Cooper, and Josh Waletzky, all e***oring new Yiddish song in different and complementary ways), but also help reprise this complement to popular song. In art song, the pieces have a classical complexity, and the voice, rather than sing an easily hummable set of verses, instead, twists and wanders, revealing the meaning of the words partly in their singing, partly in the amazing and insightful piano accompaniment. Some of the pieces here have appeared in other contexts: "To a woman socialist" was part of the most recent Flying Bulgars album, "Tsirkus." "From both ends of the earth" is transformed from its appearance on the album of the same name, then coupled with a hanukkah song. Although this is primarily an album of art song, Lerner does let loose on one wonderfully jazzy, intense, introspective and yet, still rolicking "Rusishe Sher." Those who have seen her play, or have heard her solo recordings, or those with the Flying Bulgars, can only smile and be grateful that this side of her playing is also represented, if only on this one cut, here.

Art song doesn't rock. It is singing without simple melodies. But for those who have the patience to listen, and who delight in excellent singing and playing, this is an album that they will find richly rewarding.
( Source: http://www.klezmershack.com/articles/david..._diversity.html )


Marilyn Lerner's Web Site: http://www.marilynlerner.com
Some photos: http://www.marilynlerner.com/download.html
Bio: http://www.marilynlerner.com/bio.html

Dave Wall's Web Site: http://www.davidwall.ca
Some photos: http://www.davidwall.ca/gallery.php
Bio: http://www.davidwall.ca/bio

Всех с Праздником! :D
Воскресенье, 13 Апреля 2008, 1:46 Chai (AKA. Sarah Sommer Chai Folk Ensemble) - 40 Years Alive
Библиотеки.. - заразное дело вообще-то)))) ... - сделал в 320 :)

Из Winnipeg'a (Canada) также)))

Chai (AKA. (Also Known As = также известны как) Sarah Sommer Chai Folk Ensemble)) - 40 Years Alive (4CD Set), 2004

Исполнитель: Chai (AKA. Sarah Sommer Chai Folk Ensemble)
Альбом: 40 Years Alive (4CD Set)
Год: 2004
Формат: mp3
Качество: 320 kbps
Размер / Size: 425 mb
От / From : Darkman :D

Содержание / Tracklist:

Disc 1 - Chai is Hebrew for Life! (1974)

01 Chiribim
02 Debkas
03 The Rabbi
04 Yemenite Song
05 Shabbat
06 Tumbalalaika
07 Meial Hayarden
08 Arum Dem Faier
09 Yom Ha-atsmaut Medley
10 Chalil Bagalil
11 Succoth
12 Taam Haman
13 Havenu Shalom Aleichem

Disc 2 - Songs of Life... the music of Chai (1980)

01 Adon Olam
02 Al Tira
03 Chorshat Haecalyptus
04 Orchestral Medley
05 A Chasseneh
06 Abanibi
07 Ayallah
08 Carmella
09 Elm Ve Soussato
10 Yiddish Medley
11 Rumania
12 Halleluyah

Disc 3 - Chai (1986)

01 Ani Osa Li Manginot
02 Hora Yerushalayim
03 Har Hayarok
04 Alevai
05 Shir Sameach
06 Shnei Shoshanim
07 Oleh Oleh
08 Black Cat
09 Ani Ma'Amin
10 A Glezele Vein/Le Chaim
11 Erev Tov
12 Aifo
13 Am Yisrael Chai
14 Shiru
15 Ani Od Chai

Disc 4 - Mah Yafim Haleylot (1997)

01 Mah Yafim Haleylot
02 Oy Mame, Bin Ich Farlibt
03 Zeh Hazemer
04 Bilibech-Kvar Acharei Chatsot
05 Rachamim
06 Me'Eyn
07 Dror Yikrah
08 Hora Agadati
09 Wedding Medley No. 3
10 Galbi
11 Azor Li
12 Lechu Neranena
13 Rachel
14 Yachilvi Ve'yachali
15 Hechalil
16 Shehecheyanu
17 Debka Binyamin
18 Mitachat Lashamayim
19 Mehatchala

Notes / Комментарии, etc... :

Chai's web site: http://www.chai.mb.ca

Info @ WIKI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chai_Folk_Ensemble

The Chai Folk Ensemble from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada is North America's oldest and largest Israeli folk dance ensemble. Founded in 1964 by the late Sarah Sommer, Chai has built an international reputation for international dance, music, and song. "Chai" is the Hebrew word for "alive".

(Пишут короче.. что Chai (из Winnipeg'a))) - самый старый и самый большой Israeli folk dance (and song) ensemble - .. не только танцуют .. - но и поют то есть.. - я был пару раз на их концерте.. так что сам видел)))) .. Chai образовался в 1964 году by Sarah Sommer .. - и давно уже заработал интернациональную репутацию по "dance, music and song" ))) ;)

Chai is made up of more than 40 dancers, singers, and musicians. It is believed that Chai is the only Israeli folk ensemble in North America to perform exclusively to live musical accompaniment.

(Коллектив Chai - больше чем 40 участников .. и, вроде, Chai - единственный Israeli folk ensemble в Сев. Америке .. что исполняет только с LIVE музыкальным аккомпаниментом...)

Over the years, Chai's repertoire has **d music and dance from parts of the world where Jewish culture has existed including Israel, Yemen, Morocco, Spain, Greece, Russia, Poland, Brazil, and Africa.

(в их репертуар входят музыка и танцы со всего мира где существует Еврейская культура, включая "вышеперечисленные места") :)

Ссылкa / Link: мульти-зеркала... / multi-mirrors... :D
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Давольно редкий "4CD-Set" думаю...
Был выпущен, типа, как "коллекционный Set"
(и легче конечно приобрести этот Set.. да и вообще .. - знать об этом коллективе .. - если находицца в Виннипеге.. (или хотя бы не так далеко от него)))

Так что... - если хотите - берите! :D

P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)
Суббота, 12 Апреля 2008, 23:20 The Jewish Wedding Album (1995)
Специальный CD для современных / modern еврейских свадьб:

The Jewish Wedding Album (Nancy Enslin - concert harp & flute, Deborah Benardot - soprano)

Audio CD (March 14, 1995)
Label: Compendia

размер / size = 130 mb, 320 kbps
От / From: Darkman

Содержание / Tracklist:

01. Ana Dodi
02. Ani L'Dodi
03. Erev Shel Shoshanim
04. Jerusalem Of Gold
05. Shalom Rav
06. Laila, Laila
07. Bashana Haba-A: Bashana Haba - A
08. Canon In D
09. On Wings Of Song
10. Menuet
11. Sunrise, Sunset From 'Fiddler On The Roof'
12. Love Theme From 'Romeo And Juliet' (A Time For Us)
13. The Wind Beneath My Wings
14. I Will Always Love You From 'The Bodyguard'
15. Unchained Melody From 'Ghost'
16. Endless Love
17. Somewhere In Time
18. Erev Ba
19. Dodi Li
20. Hymne
21. Trumpet Voluntary
22. Simon Tov
23. Od Yishama
24. Trumpet Tune

Ссылкa / Link: мульти-зеркала... / multi-mirrors... :D
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P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

Mazel Tov!

The Jewish Wedding Album features harpist/flutist Nancy Enslin & soprano Deborah Benardot and comes with traditional Jewish wedding music for the processional and recessional and **s popular love songs.
Суббота, 12 Апреля 2008, 9:21 Finjan - Dancing on Water (2000)
Finjan - Dancing on Water (2000)

Исполнитель: Finjan
Альбом: Dancing on Water
Год выпуска: 2000
Формат: mp3
Качество: 320 kbps
Размер / Size: 107 mb
От / From: Darkman

Содержание / Tracklist:

01. Sharon's Dance
02. Bukovinska Polka
03. Rumeynisher Kretshmeh / Hora Staccato
04. Sirba Batuta
05. Hanerot Hallalu
06. Dancing on Water
07. Father's Nigun
08. Heimischer Sher
09. Fish Out of Water [Sardines on Rye]
10. Harbstlid Autumn Song
11. Azoi Tantzt Men Odessa (This Is How We Dance in Odessa)
12. Stories of Times Past

Ссылкa / Link: мульти-зеркала... / multi-mirrors... :D
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Давольно редкий CD (в интернете к примеру ещё не гулял) .. очень хорошей Klezmer группы из Winnipeg, Canada... :)
(я взял тут в библиотеке .. и сделал "работку" - для вас ... в 320 :D .. а себе ещё и WAV файл оставил тоже (для престижа типа)))

Отличный коллектив!
Один клиент на Амазоне сказал про них (и этот CD) .. что "это наилучший Klezmer CD, что он слышал за последние 20 лет!!" :D
(Смотрите ниже.. в цитате)

Так что .. Рекомендую! .. - я уже послушал .. весь CD - Отлично!
Не пропустите!

Ещё скоро должен получить / достать их другой CD "Finjan - Crossing Selkirk Avenue" (который я когда то рипал с юзованой касеты и уже выставлял) .. и тоже рипнуть в 320 ;)

P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

Клиент / a customer @ Amazon.com:
"5 Star... - Best klezmer CD I have heard in 20 years, April 12, 2000
By A Customer

This CD is a real star. There are many original pieces or variations on traditional pieces, that grab you immediately, and entertain you throughout the song. At times it sounds like Finjan is traditional village band thrown into the 21st century. The quality of the recording and excellence in musicianship are apparent from the first note. I would highly recommend this albumn for your own listening pleasure or as gift for both lovers of Klezmer and World music or newcomers to this genre. This is by far one of the best Klezmer albumns I have heard in a long long time and I wouldn't be surprised if it was nominated for a Grammy. A real diamond in the rough.

Album's Review @ klezmershack.com:

Dancing on Water
Rounder Records 11661-3160-2, 2000

One of the first bands reviewed on these pages was Finjan. I first saw them at a klezmer festival in San Francisco in the mid-90s, and loved their music and diversity, but I'd already encountered an early LP ("Ship to Shore") and loved that already. Best damn version of "Vladivostok" of the klezmer revival, I say. Like the Klezmer Conservatory Band, or Australia's Klezmania, they combine an infectious blend of well-played klezmer, with a smattering of Yiddish folk and theatre tunes to leaven the mix. In the case of Finjan, what is unique is the fun, and the sly hint of bluegrass that they must practice all throughout the frozen winter, staying warm in Winnipeg :-).

Since that time, I've run into Finjan members in a profusion of other settings, jazz, yiddish, klezmer. Most notable, perhaps, is the "From both ends of the earth" ensemble comprised of members of Finjan, Toronto's Flying Bulgars, and jazz pianist Marilyn Lerner. But, after a very, very long wait, here is new recording Finjan material. It is worth the wait. From the opening two clarinet attack on a new dance tune, followed by the most amazing clarinet/soprano sax trilling on "Bukovinska Polka," leading almost immediately into the violin wizardry of "Hora Staccato," credited to gypsy violinist Grigoras Dinicu and recorded by Jascha Heifetz, the band proves that it is still a traditional klezmer band, but one that has also, in traditional klezmer style, absorbed the best of the music around them. They also capture a perfect "Haneros Halalu," with the now-familiar Romanian violin doina taking the place of the cantor's voice on this once-traditional Hanukkah piece, which then flows into the title tune, a wonderful slow dance based on the concluding theme.

Dazzled as I was by the instrumental virtuosity of the band, I didn't notice how few vocals appear on this album until "Harbstlid," a song by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, which also appears on the recently released Yiddishland recording of her music (to the best of my memory). But I do very much enjoy Shayla Fink's voice, and am glad to hear Beyla's music performed, and performed so well. Beyond that, of course, what more can I say except that this is the first klezmer band with the good sense to latch on to Israeli pop star Yehuda Poliker's excellent instrumentals, in this case, "Stories of Times Past." I was not familiar with this particular melody, but Poliker's roots are in the Salonika sounds that represent both Sephardic Jewish folk instrumentals and bridge to klezmer on the other side. It's a good way to close the circle.

As I said, this is well-worth the wait. In fact, it would have been well-worth the wait if the band hadn't felt the need to wait eight years since their last record. Perhaps, now that they are being distributed by Rounder, we'll have less to wait before they blow our socks off again. In the meantime, for now, I'm a happy camper. And, of course, if you don't have any of the band's previous albums, don't forget to stock up!

--- Reviewed by Ari Davidow 5/28/00

Personnel this recording:
Sasha Boychouk: clarinet, soprano and tenor saxophones, sopilka, percussion, whistling
Shayla Fink: accordion, piano, vocals
Daniel Koulack: guitar, banjo, mandolin
Kinzey Posen: accoustic bass, vocal, whistling
Myron Schultz: clarinet, percussion, whistling
Victor Schultz: violin, mandolin


01. Sharon's Dance (trad., arr. Finjan) 3:45
02. Bukovinska Polka (trad., arr. Myron Schultz, Sasha Boychouk and Finjan) 4:16
03. Rumeynisher Kretshmeh/Hora Staccato (Morris Rund and Yosef Rumshinsky/Grigoras Dinicu, arr. Myron Schultz, Victor Schultz, Finjan) 4:10
04. Sirba Batuta (trad., arr. Finjan) 2:07
05. Haneros Haluli (trad., arr. Victor Schultz) 3:34
06. Dancing on Water (Myron schultz/trad., arr. Finjan & Ben Mink) 2:36
07. Father's Nigun (Myron Schultz) 5:30
08. A Heimischer Sher (trad./Sasha Boychouk, arr. Finjan) 3:54
09. A Fish Out of Water (Sardines on Rye) (Myron Schultz, arr. Ben Mink, Myron Schultz, Victor Schultz) 2:51
10. Harbstlid--Autumn Song (Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, arr. Finjan, Ben Mink) 4:00
11. Azoi Tantzt Men Odessa--This is how we dance in Odessa (trad., arr. Finjan) 4:44
12. Stories of Times Past (Yehuda Poliker, arr. Finjan and Ben Mink) 4:55

( Source: http://www.klezmershack.com/bands/finjan/w...njan.water.html )
Суббота, 12 Апреля 2008, 8:27 Finjan - Crossing Selkirk Avenue (1992)
Как и обещал.. - достал этот CD .. и вот сделал в 320! :)

Finjan - Crossing Selkirk Avenue (1992)

Исполнитель: Finjan
Альбом: Crossing Selkirk Avenue
Год выпуска: 1992
Формат: mp3
Качество: 320 kbps
Размер / Size: 104 mb
От / From: Darkman

Содержание / Tracklist:

01. Oy Tate, S'is Gut
02. Abi Gezunt
03. Bosphourous Freilach
04. Greenhorn Blues
05. I Wanna Fellow
06. Second Avenue Freilach
07. Crossing Selkirk Avenue
08. A Brivele Der Mam'n
09. Shpiel Klezmer, Shpiel
10. Freilach Fun Der Chupa
11. Odessa Bulgar

Ссылкa / Link: мульти-зеркала... / multi-mirrors... :D
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Давольно редкий CD (в интернете к примеру ещё не гулял, кроме моего рипа с юзованной кассеты) .. очень хорошей Klezmer группы из Winnipeg, Canada... :)
(я взял тут в библиотеке .. и сделал "работку" - для вас ... в 320 :D .. а себе ещё и WAV файл оставил тоже (для престижа типа)))

Отличный коллектив! ... Не пропустите!

P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

5 Star... - If you (buy / want) ** one Klezmer album....this is the one!!, August 15, 2002
By Nathan Jacobson "little-boy-from-winnipeg" (Toronto, Ontario Canada)

Since I first bought this CD so many years ago, I have needed to purchase at least six other copies of the album to give to friends.
The musical accomplishments and ** plain fun that this special group of people convey, is very special.
A must for every collection, and if you only buy one klezmer album, buy this and it is the start of your collection.

"A klezmer classic

One of the best, most irresistibly fun CDs I've ever had. Each and every one of the members of Finjan - six in all - is simply brilliant, with special praise reserved for the clarinet players and violinist Victor Schultz, whose work on "Greenhorn Blues" and other tracks is absolutely jaw-dropping. (Schultz is now the violin soloist and concertmaster for the Broadway musical "Wicked".) The tracks cover a wide range of styles, from the adorably silly "I Wanna Fellow" to the traditional "Shpiel, Klezmer, Shpiel", with Turkish, Ukrainian, gypsy, American bluegrass, and jazz influences all making the hugely fun klezmer style even more fun. In short, this CD is tons of fun from start to finish - fantastic playing, great songs, beautiful music, and enormously enjoyable. I couldn't possibly recommend it more highly. If you haven't heard Finjan - whether you've never heard klezmer before or you're a jaded expert - you need to hear them. They're simply the very best.

Submitted by Brian R (TX Hill Country, USA)"

Album's Review @ klezmershack.com:

Crossing Selkirk Avenue
Fat Uncle Records, 1992

Gosh, I like these guys a lot a lot, even if they are midwestern Canadian and don't have rock influences. Maybe there ** isn't anything else to do in Winnipeg during the igloo season as the blizzards roll across the frozen Canadian tundra, except to play and play until you're hot enough to cook dinner with a simple bluegrassy honga. I first noticed them when an early LP (remember LPs?) called "Ship to shore" made its way to El Cerrito's famous Down Home Records. Over the years I kept pulling it out, always wondering who they were or what the klezmer scene was like in Winnipeg, and then I'd keep it out a few weeks--possibly my favorite "never heard of these folks, but this is a great album" album. Then they released a CD, and now, for the second time, they are about to show up at Kaila Flexer's Chanuka-time battle of the klezmer bands, "Klezmer Mania." Life is good.

I like the way other world folk influences pop into Finjan's music. The predominant flavor is best exemplified by the (mostly) bluegrass fun of the Greenhorn blues, but they have no trouble with a perfect big band feel on those transitional Yiddish theatre pieces such as Abi Gezunt, or on to the vaguely Balkan feel imparted to the Bosphourous Freilach by the addition of Bouzouki. And then, again, if it's tradition you want, listen to the wailing clarinet that opens the title track--quite an antidote to listening to Dave Tarras on banjo or the solid humor of "I wanna fellow" that precede it, or for that matter, consider a very solid Freilach fun der Chupa (complete with wailing sax on one of the last choruses) or the closing Odessa Bulgar.

The only band that comes to mind that sounds even a bit like Finjan, and is as much fun in this way, might be Chicago's Maxwell St. Klezmer band--but I could also be projecting ** because they're both tight, midwestern, North American klez bands. What the heck. Enjoy 'em all, I say. Any band that can do a credible "Brivele der Mama" that doesn't have you harumphing about Molly Picon is worth a listen anytime, anywhere, anyhow. You know, you know what really might be an incredible double bill? Can you imagine this band with the more cerebral, but also intensely solid and fun musicians of Brave Old World (also Klezmer Mania alums). Hmm.

--- Reviewed by Ari Davidow 11/23/95

Finjan, a klezmer band out of Winnipeg, MB, CA, made a big splash at the Mission Folk Festival here in BC. I heard some of their music on CBC Radio, though haven't picked up their CD yet.

Their claim to fame was to offer, to anyone who wanted to get married at the folk festival, the music to accompany it, to demonstrate how klezmer music fits into Jewish culture. The lucky couple: an aboriginal woman married a man from a Mennonite family (German?) -- and every time my aboriginal friend hears klezmer music, it touches her heart!

At any rate, Finjan's music rates up there with Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band, one of my favourites along with Seattle's Mazeltones and Freylakh.

--- E-mail from Wendy Putman October 30, 1995

... I first heard Finjan on a CBC concert on the radio one evening. They were playing at the fancy Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg and the concert was one-half klezmer, one-half serious classical music. It was wonderful and I have never forgotten my first introduction to klezmer.

Since then, I managed to borrow a copy of "Ship to Shore," and know all the words to "Sonia, the Queen of Vladivostok." There seems to be another album between this and "Selkirk Avenue," but I have not found it yet. Perhaps I will write to Winnipeg (which we call part of Western Canada, and not the "mid-West", by the way!).

Finjan's music is played quite often on CBC's DiskDrive program, along with other groups such as Brave Old World and the Flying Bulgars. The host of the program, Jurgen Goth, listed "Crossing Selkirk Avenue" among his top picks last year. DiskDrive is very eclectic, including classical and unusual popular music.

--- E-mail from Leslie Reissner, 10 Dec 1995

Personnel this recording:
Shayla Fink: accordion, piano, vocals
Eli Herscovitch: clarinet, soprano and tenor sax, guitar, harmonica
Daniel Koulack: guitar, banjo, mandolin, bouzouki, violin
Kinzey Posen: accoustic bass, vocals
Myron Schultz: clarinet, alto sax, percussion, background vocal
Victor Schultz: violin, mandolin, background vocal


01. Oy Tate, S'is Gut (trad.) 3:11
02. Abi Gezunt (lyrics: Molly Picon / music: Abraham Ellstein) 3:22
03. Bosphourous Blues (trad.) 4:28
04. Greenhorn Blues (medly: Finjan) 5:16
05. I Wanna Fellow (Ich vill a chusin) (Betty Reilly, Joe Leib, Jos Tanzman / Add'tl lyrics: Shayla Fink, Laurane Schultz) 4:19
06. Second Avenue Freilach (Dave Tarras) 3:24
07. Crossing Selkirk Avenue (Myron Schultz) 6:30
08. A Brivele der Mama (Solomon Shmulowitz) 4:41
09. Shpiel Klezmer, Shpiel (Play musician, play) (lyrics: Jacob Jacobs, Isidore Lillian / music: Abraham Ellstein) 3:20
10. Freilach fun der Chupa (trad.) 4:00
11. Odessa Bulgar (trad.) 2:25

( Source: http://www.klezmershack.com/bands/finjan/s...an.selkirk.html )
Среда, 9 Апреля 2008, 20:04 Mandy Patinkin - Mamaloshen (1998)
Продолжаю выставлять (иногда) "добычи" из библиотек (и их в принципе .. "не так уж и много" (re: "добычи") ... (библиотек в принципе "не так уж и мало" .. но "добыч" в них, особенно на "еврейский мотив" .. - "маловато"))

Добычи из библиотек .. для Вас.. - всегда в 320 (а для себя иногда ещё и в .WAV))) :)

Mandy Patinkin - Mamaloshen (1998), 320 kbps

Audio CD (February 24, 1998)
Original Release Date: February 24, 1998
Label: Nonesuch

размер / size = 119 mb, 320 kbps
От / From: Darkman

Содержание / Tracklist:

01. Belz 3:22
02. Hey, Tsigelekh 3:10
03. Rabbi Elimeylekh 3:37
04. Raisins and Almonds 2:54
05. Papirosin 5:54
06. Ten Kopeks / Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious / The Hokey Pokey 2:22
07. (Maria) Mayn Mirl 2:33
08. Yome, Yome 1:07
09. Paper is White 2:39
10. Song of the Titanic 4:36
11. Motl the Operator 3:19
12. Under Your White Stars 2:24
13. American Tune 4:20
14. Take me out to the Ball Game/God Bless America 2:10

Ссылкa / Link: мульти-зеркала... / multi-mirrors... :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)
Воскресенье, 6 Апреля 2008, 2:37 Jan Peerce - The Art of the Cantor (1987)
Когда то выставлял этот альбом, что я тогда, как помню, RIP'нул с кассеты ..

Щас же.. сделал рип в 320 .. с оригинального CD! :D
Ничего не скажешь .. - Дяденька поёт сильно / здорово!! :) ... Вот:

Jan Peerce - The Art of the Cantor (Chanukah, The Sabbath, High Holy Days), 1987 (320)

Исполнитель: Jan Peerce
Альбом: The Art of the Cantor (Chanukah, The Sabbath, High Holy Days)
Год выпуска: 1987
Формат: mp3
Качество: 320 kbps
Размер / Size: 162 mb
От / From: Darkman

Содержание / Tracklist:

01. Vli Yerusholayim Ircho (Ellstein)
02. Ovinu Malkeinu
03. Shma Yisroel (Ellstein)
04. Retsei
05. Havdolah
06. Ad Ana Adoshem
07. Adoshem Adoshem
With Choir and Orchestra conducted by Abraham Ellstein
08. Eloheynu (Secunda)
09. Pis 'Chu Li (Samuels)
10. Ahavas Olom (Piket)
11. M 'Kimi Meofor
12. Mimkomcho (Zilborts)
13. Sh' Ma Kolenu (Helfman)
14. Ovinu Malkenu (Janowski)
15. Mo' Os Tzur And Blessings For Chanukah (Adler)
16. Handeros And Al Hanism
With Choir and Orchestra conducted by Gershon Kingsley

Ссылки / Links: мульти-зеркала / multi-mirrors :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

The Jewish American tenor, Jan Peerce (real name, Jacob Pincus Perelmuth), grew up in the New York City streets, and attended De Witt Clinton High School and Columbia University. He took violin lessons, and gave public performances; sometimes he also sang and it was soon discovered he was an exceptional lyric tenor.

In 1932 he was hired as a tenor soloist with the Radio City Music Hall company. Thanks to its radio broadcasts and stage programs, Peerce soon had a nationwide following. This led to concert engagements, and then he made his operatic debut in May 1938 in Philadelphia as the Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto, followed by his first solo recital in New York in November 1939.

The legendary maestro Arturo Toscanini heard him and found him to be the tenor he had sought to sing operatic and choral works with the NBC Symphony Orchestra. The recordings made during, or following, the NBC broadcasts are among the outstanding musical legacies of our time. Toscanini was reportedly pleased with Peerce's professionalism, as well as his extraordinary musical talents; many have said that Peerce may have been Toscanini's "favorite tenor" during the Maestro's 17 years at NBC.

Peerce made his debut with the Metropolitan Opera Company on November 29, 1941, singing Alfredo in Verdi's La Traviata. He sang also the parts of Cavaradossi in Tosca, Rodolfo in La Bohème, and in Gounod’s Faust. He was hailed by the critics as the "All-American successor to the 'greats' of opera's almost extinct 'Golden Age.'"

In 1943 he appeared in the OWI film, Hymn of the Nations, with Toscanini, the NBC Symphony Orchestra, and the Westminster Choir in a performance of Verdi's seldom-heard choral work. Filmed in NBC Studio 8-H, the performance has been issued on video cassette and DVD.

In 1956 Peerce made a sensation in Moscow as a musical "cultural exchange" ambassador, being the first American to sing with the famed Bolshoi Theatre opera. He remained on the staff of the Metropolitan until 1966, appearing again in 1966-1967. He also taught a master class. In 1971 he made his Broadway debut as Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof. He continued to make occasional appearances until his retirement in 1982, remaining in very fine voice. He was the brother-in-law of fellow Jewish American tenor Richard Tucker.

Peerce was also at home on the concert stage and in solo recital.

He died in New York City

( Source: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Jan+Peerce )
Воскресенье, 30 Марта 2008, 7:13 Simcha Time - Mickey Katz Plays Music for Weddings, etc...
Я сделал этот РИП несколько дней тому назад... (из моего собственного CD) :)
Это был мой 1-ый РИП .. с CD! (раньше РИП'ал конечно .. - НО не с CD) :D

Вышло - отлично!... (я сделал для пробы в 128 kbps, в 320 kbps и в WAV lossless.. и залил все 3 варианта ....
Так что .. - выбирайте любой.. или все! ;D

ОК.. - пошло дело... :P

Mickey Katz - Simcha Time ...Mickey Katz Plays Music for Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs & Brisses (The Klezmer Sessions), 1994

Исполнитель: Mickey Katz
Альбом: Simcha Time: Mickey Katz Plays Music for Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs & Brisses
Год: 1994
Формат: mp3
Качество: 320 kbps
Размер / Size: 119 mb
От / From : Darkman :D

Содержание / Tracklist:

01. Simcha time (unknown) 2:13
02. Mazeltov Dances (Farber-Katz) 2:57
03. Grandma's Draidel (Katz-Farber) 2:36
04. Keneh Hora (Farber-Katz) 2:04
05. Mendel's Song (Katz-Klein) 3:07
06. Litvak Square Dance (Katz) 2:24
07. Frailach Jamboree (Katz) 2:47
08. Mamaliege Dance (Farber-Katz) 2:09
09. Berele's Sherele (Gill-Farber) 1:52
10. Trombonik Tanz (Farber-Katz) 2:35
11. The Family Danced (Mickey's Frailachs) (Katz-Farber) 2:19
12. Bar Mitzvah Special (Singer-Farber) 2:48
13. The Wedding Dance (Katz) 2:32
14. The Wedding Samba (Ellstein-Small-Liebowitz) 2:38
15. Can Can Kazotski (unknown) 1:54
16. Bublitchki (unknown) 3:45
17. Fountainbleu Fralich (unknown) 2:00
18. Yiddish Square Dance (Katz) 2:35
19. Mickey's Mishegoss (Katz) 2:56
20. Sunrise, Sunset (Harnick-Bock) 1:48
21. Yiddish Folk Melody (traditional) 0:56

Ссылки / Links: Мульти-зеркала и т.д. и т.п. / Multi-Mirrors, etc... :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)


OK ... Выше было в 320 kbps .. - а вот .. в 128 kbps:

Исполнитель: Mickey Katz
Альбом: Simcha Time: Mickey Katz Plays Music for Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs & Brisses
Год: 1994
Формат: mp3
Качество: 128 kbps
Размер / Size: 49 mb
От / From : Darkman :D


01. Simcha Time - (previously unreleased)
02. Mazeltov Dances
03. Grandma's Draidel
04. Keneh Hora
05. Mendel's Song
06. Litvak Square Dance
07. Frailach Jamboree
08. Mamaliege Dance
09. Berele's Sherele
10. Trombonik Tanz
11. Family Danced, The (Mickey's Frailachs)
12. Bar Mitzvah Special
13. Wedding Dance, The
14. Wedding Samba, The
15. Can Can Kazotski - (previously unreleased)
16. Bublitchki - (previously unreleased)
17. Fountainbleu Fralich - (previously unreleased)
18. Yiddish Square Dance - (previously unreleased)
19. Mickey's Mishegoss
20. Sunrise, Sunset
21. Yiddish Folk Melody

(содержание, конечно же точ такое же как и выше / где релиз в 320 kbps .. только по другому выставленно - в нём указаны какие треки были "previously unreleased" (в первые выпущены) на этом CD .. - точно так же как указано на самой задней обложке тут у меня)

Ссылки / Links: Мульти-зеркала и т.д. и т.п. / Multi-Mirrors, etc... :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)


а вот... и в качестве WAV / Lossless... :D

Исполнитель: Mickey Katz
Альбом: Simcha Time: Mickey Katz Plays Music for Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs & Brisses
Год: 1994
Формат: WAV
Качество: Lossless
Размер / Size: 522 mb (в папке после расскрытия архива) / 355 mb (в архиве из 2 частей (каждая часть - 175 mb где то, примерно))... ДА! - WAV файлы хорошо "сжимаюцца" при запаковке в архив! (.. я это и раньше уже несколько раз замечал в принципе) .. и "вольно расжимаюцца" ...типа при расспаковке))) :)
От / From : Darkman :D


01. Simcha Time - (previously unreleased)
02. Mazeltov Dances
03. Grandma's Draidel
04. Keneh Hora
05. Mendel's Song
06. Litvak Square Dance
07. Frailach Jamboree
08. Mamaliege Dance
09. Berele's Sherele
10. Trombonik Tanz
11. Family Danced, The (Mickey's Frailachs)
12. Bar Mitzvah Special
13. Wedding Dance, The
14. Wedding Samba, The
15. Can Can Kazotski - (previously unreleased)
16. Bublitchki - (previously unreleased)
17. Fountainbleu Fralich - (previously unreleased)
18. Yiddish Square Dance - (previously unreleased)
19. Mickey's Mishegoss
20. Sunrise, Sunset
21. Yiddish Folk Melody

(содержание, конечно же точ такое же как и выше / где релиз в 320 kbps .. только по другому выставленно - в нём указаны какие треки были "previously unreleased" (в первые выпущены) на этом CD .. - точно так же как указано на самой задней обложке тут у меня)

Ссылки / Links: Мульти-зеркала и т.д. и т.п. / Multi-Mirrors, etc... :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)
Среда, 12 Марта 2008, 18:55 Sbornik - Klezmer Songs (Various Artists)
Sbornik - Klezmer Songs (Various Artists)

Содержание: (извиняюсь.. вот такое, как есть.. - прямо из папки на компе)

Various Artists... (некоторые песни - не знаю даже кто исполняет)

Большинство треков (а вообще то думаю что все) - в 192 kbsp

Размер: 107.5 mb

этот сборник получился, когда я "рипнул stream" с интернета (программой "Streamripper for Winamp"
Качество ТОЧ Такое же как и шло со stream'а...
Очень хорошее то есть :)

Ссылки / Links:
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация
Пятница, 7 Марта 2008, 0:44 Kaláka - Volt egyszer egy kis zsidó ...
Еврейская музыка / песни .. с Венгерского форума :01abwr2:
Давольно много очень хороших, уникальных вещей.. (при прослушивание - чувствуецца)))

Kaláka - Volt egyszer egy kis zsidó / Once there was a little Jew (Yiddish Folk Songs)

Содержание / Tracklist:

01 - Volt egyszer volt egy kis zsidó.mp3
02 - Régtöl fogva régi kérdés.mp3
03 - Rózsa rózsa be messze vagy.mp3
04 - Gyere bubulj bölcsödbe.mp3
05 - Szundi szundi virágszál.mp3
06 - Tente kincsem aludj szépen.mp3
07 - Kisvárosban kicsiny hajlék.mp3
08 - Mi-mi-mikor dalol ó.mp3
09 - Volt egyszer egy kis volt egyszer egy kis.mp3
10 - Oj merre visz.mp3
11 - Elmentem én sétálni tralalalalalala.mp3
12 - Vizet meríteni én a kútra mentem.mp3
13 - Kipp-kopp alszol-e.mp3
14 - Arról dalolj jome arról dalolj.mp3
15 - Szeretnél-e szeretnél-e.mp3
16 - Hallod-e te szép leány.mp3
17 - El is repül egy szép aranypáva.mp3
18 - Isten véletek.mp3
19 - Ma van ötven kereken ötven éve már.mp3
20 - Pszt csönd ne halljunk semmi neszt.mp3
21 - Hogyha Elimejleh rabbi.mp3
22 - Szörnyü eset a rabbinkat.mp3
23 - Reb hajim menase az öreg batáros.mp3
24 - Nosza énekeljünk együtt énekeljünk.mp3
25 - Krumpli krumpli.mp3
26 - Nem akárki vagyok.mp3
27 - Mit akar az esö nékem.mp3
28 - Nincs egészen tegnap.mp3
29 - Padlás fölött roskadó.mp3
30 - Házbért kell ma oj oj oj.mp3
31 - Oj kalapács kalapács kopp.mp3
32 - Lettem volna rabbi.mp3
33 - Ég testvérek ég.mp3
34 - Oj tízen voltunk mi testvérek.mp3
35 - 'Volt egyszer volt egy kis zsidó'.mp3

MP3 / 96 kbps, size/размер .ZIP/архива = 52 mb

Ссылка / Link: Mega... :D

Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

Покапавшись в интернете .. быстренько нашёл обложку для этого альбома.. и более подробное содержание:

Kalбka - Volt egyszer volt egy kis zsidу / Once there was a little Jew (Yiddish Folk Songs), Translated by KБNYБDI SБNDOR

Содержание / Tracklist: (Hungarian / English)

::Volt egyszer volt egy kis zsidу

HUNGAROTON MK 14192 йs HCD 14192

Kбnyбdi Sбndor: Erdйlyi jiddis nйpdalok c. mыfordнtбskцtetйben talбlhatу eredeti dallamok feldolgozбsa. A harminchat dalt elхadjбk a Gryllus testvйrek, Sбrkцzy Gergely йs Tihanyi Szilvia.
A felvйtel a TOM-TOM stъdiуban kйszьlt 1990-ben.

01. volt egyszer volt egy kis zsidу / Once there was a little Jew (1ґ52Ѕ)
02. rйgtхl fogva rйgi kйrdйs / An age-old question (1ґ06Ѕ)
03. rуzsa rуzsa be messze vagy / Rose, Rose, how far you are (1ґ17Ѕ)
04. gyere bubulj bцlcsхdbe / Come, baby, to your cradle (1ґ15Ѕ)
05. szundi szundi virбgszбl / Sleep, sleep little baby (1ґ31Ѕ)
06. tente kincsem aludj szйpen / Hush little baby (2ґ27Ѕ)
07. kisvбrosban kicsiny hajlйk / Little hut in a little town (1ґ25Ѕ)
08. mi-mi-mikor dalol у / When the Jew sings (1ґ22Ѕ)
09. volt egyszer egy kis volt egyszer egy kis / A little Jew with his fiddle (3ґ08Ѕ)
10. oj merre visz / Oj, yiddish (2ґ08Ѕ)
11. elmentem йn sйtбlni tralalalalalala / I went for a walk (ґ50Ѕ)
12. vizet merнteni йn a kъtra mentem / I went to fetch some water (0ґ54Ѕ)
13. kipp-kopp alszol-e / Are you asleep? (1ґ15Ѕ)
14. arrуl dalolj, jome arrуl dalolj / Jome, play me a tune (1ґ39Ѕ)
15. szeretnйl-e szeretnйl-e / What would you like? (1ґ59Ѕ)
16. hallod-e te szйp lбny / Listen you pretty girl (14ґ14Ѕ)
17. el is elrepьlt egy szйp aranypбva / The golden peacock has flown away (3ґ17Ѕ)
18. isten vйletek / Farewell (2ґ56Ѕ)
19. ma van цtven kereken цtven йve mбr / It has been ** fifty years now (1ґ07Ѕ)
20. pszt csцnd ne halljunk semmi neszt / Hush, don't make a noise (2ґ57Ѕ)
21. hogyha elimejleh rabbi / Rabbi Elimejleh (2ґ06Ѕ)
22. szцrnyы eset a rabbinkat / Our rabbi was robbed (1ґ11Ѕ)
23. reb hajim menase az цreg batбros / Reb Hajim (2ґ19Ѕ)
24. nosza йnekeljьnk egyьtt йnekeljьnk / Let's sing a little song (3ґ54Ѕ)
25. krumpli krumpli / Potatoes, potatoes (0ґ45Ѕ)
26. nem akбrki vagyok / The taylor's song (1ґ42Ѕ)
27. mit akar az esх nйkem / What the rain tells me (3ґ33Ѕ)
28. nincs egйszen tegnap / Not quite yesterday (1ґ25Ѕ)
29. padlбs fцlхtt roskadу / On the roof (1ґ52Ѕ)
30. hбzbйrt kell ma oj oj oj / Rent (1ґ29Ѕ)
31. oj kalapбcs kalapбcs kopp / Oj, hammer (2ґ18Ѕ)
32. lettem volna rabbi / Had I been a rabbi (1ґ39Ѕ)
33. йg testvйrek йg / Our town is buming (3ґ10Ѕ)
34. oj tнzen voltunk mi testvйrek / We were ten (6ґ07Ѕ)
35. 'Volt egyszer volt egy kis zsidу' / 'Once there was a little Jew' (ґ58Ѕ)

GRYLLUS DБNIEL - йnek, furulya, duda, citera, klarinйt, ritmushangszerek

GRYLLUS VILMOS - йnek, gitбr, csellу, mandola, hosszъnyakъ lant, dudola, ritmushangszerek

SБRKЦZY GERGELY - psaltйrium, viola bastarda, szoprбn gamba, bass gemshom, szцghegedы, harmonika, gitбr mandolin, szintetizбtor, doromb, csemballу, harmуnium, facimbalom, tцk bendzsу, metallofon, ritmushangszerek, accordion, jew's harp


Zenei rendezх: Sбrkцzy Gergely

Hangmйrnцk: Dorozsmai Pйter йs Fekete Tibor

Jiddis nйpdalok KБNYБDI SБNDOR fordнtбsбban /
Yiddish Folk Songs Translated by SБNDOR KБNYБDI

A dallamokat feldolgozta:Gryllus Dбniel, Gryllus Vilmos, Sбrkцzy Gergely

Цsszidх / Total time: 75ґ56"

Hangszerritkasбgok / Curious instruments.

A felvйtel a TOM-TOM stъdiуban, 1990-ben kйszьlt.

( Sources: http://www.kalaka.hu/grylluslemezek.html , http://www.kalaka.hu/kalaka.html , http://www.hungaroton.hu/en/node/4159?dest...ion=genres%2F81 )

А вот тут нашёл, в алфавитном порядке.. - ноты и слова всех песен этого альбома / Here, in alphabetical order, I found notes and words of all the songs from this album:

Вторник, 4 Марта 2008, 21:04 Giora Feidman - Klassic Klezmer (1993)
Giora Feidman - Klassic Klezmer 1993 (320) + Scans

Исполнитель: Giora Feidman
Альбом: Klassic Klezmer
Год выпуска: 1993
Формат: mp3
Качество: 320
Размер: 143 mb
От: Найдено в сети интернета


01. Dancing With the Rabbi
02. Zamar Noded (Wandering Ministrel)
03. Badeken Di Kallah (Veiling the Bride)
04. Sheyn VI Di l'Vone
05. Ta'am Haman (The Taste of the "Mann")
06. Itamar Freilach
07. Amud Ha'esh [Pillar of Fire]
08. Canaanite Medley
09. Hershel
10. Mi Ha'ish Who Is the Man
11. Tatei Freilach
12. Ghetto/Unzer Shtetl Brent
13. Give Me a Lift to Tsfat
14. That Freilach Feeling
15. Sholom Aleichem/ Eli-Eli
16. Klezmer's Freilach

Ссылка: Rapid.... :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)
Понедельник, 3 Марта 2008, 1:49 17 Hippies - Rock'n'Roll 13 (1997)
17 Hippies - Rock'n'Roll 13, 1997 (HQ VBR)

Этот альбом примерно такой же (за исключением пару треков .. и более высокого качества (HQ VBR vs. 192)) как альбом этой группы - "17 Hippies - Berlin Style (2006)" ( что выставлен тут на форуме вот в этой теме - http://www.jewniverse.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=2881 )

Исполнитель: 17 Hippies
Альбом: Rock'n'Roll 13
Год: 1997
Формат: mp3
Качество: HQ VBR
Размер: 80 mb
От: Найдено в сети интернета.. от / from Petr / Sveta (AKA. svetaaa, svetaaaa, svetaaaaaa, svetkaaa, svetkaaaa, и т.д. и т.п.))) ... ;) .. которые нам раньше, также кое что уже предоставляли для прослушивания :)


01. Vorspiel
02. Der Zug um 7:40 Uhr
03. Bourrée dite d'aurore sand
04. Valse à cadet
05. A scuttiscia
06. Le waltz
07. Folk song
08. Der Freund von Lüül
09. Shalom Alechem
10. Who stole the keeshka
11. Arriba muchacho
12. Galerón
13. King Arthur's liver
14. Jovane Jovanke
15. Chassidic song
16. Die Ungarn Nummer
17. Csillagok

Ссылкa / Link: ... скачать альбом отдельными треками со страницы Светы... или "целиком" (а не отдельными треками) - Мульти-зеркала, и т.д. и т.п. / Multi-mirrors, etc :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Класс... Мне понравилось! :D ... Ребята исполняют отлично! (Можете, скажем, скачать сперва просто несколько треков .. и в этом убедицца .. - к примеру: "Der Zug um 7:40", "Shalom Alechem", "Who stole the keeshka", "Chassidic song", и т.д.) ;)
Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

"17 Hippies sounds like someone used a warped blender to mix an accordion, ukulele, banjo, saw, clarinet, violin, trumpet, trombone, flute, a Jew's harp, an Indian tampura, an Irish bouzouki, an assortment of other string and wind instruments, a Zydeco band, Luminescent Orchestrii, and a circus sideshow from somewhere in Eastern Europe. In other words, their sound is quite bizarre and absolutely fantastic."

"....My verdict? Overall, there is much to like here. 17 Hippies offers the listener an exotic mix of Klezmer, Gypsy, German, Spanish and jazz influences throughout. Anyone who enjoys world music will like this. The CD is musically balanced."

"Die 17 Hippies machen z.T. folkloristisch anmutende Musik, die neu interpretiert und absolut klasse stimmungsfördernd aufbereitet ist.
Alle 17 Gruppenmitglieder bringen sich ein, zum Teil instrumental, manche Songs sind auch besungen...
Man spürt förmlich, dass alle Musiker irre Spaß an dem Projekt haben.
Internationale traditionelle Stücke, werden aufbereitet, aber nicht verfälscht. Keine Synthesizer, nur puristische Instrumente...
so findet man alte jüdische Hochzeitslieder, polnische Tänze, französiche Akordeon-Walzer und irische Volkslieder auf der CD und bekommt super Lust, sich das Ganze Spektakel unbedingt live auf de Bühne anzusehen."
Понедельник, 3 Марта 2008, 0:33 17 Hippies - Berlin Style (2006)
17 Hippies - Berlin Style 2006 (192)

Исполнитель: 17 Hippies
Альбом: Berlin Style
Год: 2006
Формат: mp3
Качество: 192 kbps
Размер: 71 mb
От: Найдено в сети интернета.. от / from Petr / Sveta (AKA. svetaaa, svetaaaa, svetaaaaaa, svetkaaa, svetkaaaa, и т.д. и т.п.))) ... ;) .. которые нам раньше, также кое что уже предоставляли для прослушивания :)


01. Der Zug um 7.40 Uhr
02. Bourrée
03. Galerón
04. Valse à cadet
05. Who stole the Keeshka
06. A scuttiscia
07. Mustafa
08. Le waltz
09. Folk song
10. Shalom alechem
11. Arriba mucacho
12. King Arthur's liver
13. Jovano jovanke
14. Chassidic song
15. Die Ungarn-Nummer
16. Csillagok
17. Der Song von Mandelay

Ссылкa / Link: ... скачать альбом отдельными треками со страницы Светы... или "целиком" (а не отдельными треками) - Мульти-зеркала, и т.д. и т.п. / Multi-mirrors, etc :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Класс... Мне понравилось! :D ... Ребята исполняют отлично! (Можете, скажем, скачать сперва просто несколько треков .. и в этом убедицца .. - к примеру: "Der Zug um 7:40", "Shalom Alechem", "Who stole the keeshka", "Chassidic song", и т.д.) ;)
Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

"17 Hippies sounds like someone used a warped blender to mix an accordion, ukulele, banjo, saw, clarinet, violin, trumpet, trombone, flute, a Jew's harp, an Indian tampura, an Irish bouzouki, an assortment of other string and wind instruments, a Zydeco band, Luminescent Orchestrii, and a circus sideshow from somewhere in Eastern Europe. In other words, their sound is quite bizarre and absolutely fantastic."

"....My verdict? Overall, there is much to like here. 17 Hippies offers the listener an exotic mix of Klezmer, Gypsy, German, Spanish and jazz influences throughout. Anyone who enjoys world music will like this. The CD is musically balanced."
Воскресенье, 2 Марта 2008, 23:24 17 Hippies - Sirba (2002)
17 Hippies - Sirba 2002 (192)

Исполнитель: 17 Hippies
Альбом: Sirba
Год: 2002
Формат: mp3
Качество: 192 kbps
Размер: 73 mb
От: Найдено в сети интернета.. от / from Petr / Sveta (AKA. svetaaa, svetaaaa, svetaaaaaa, svetkaaa, svetkaaaa, и т.д. и т.п.))) ... ;) .. которые нам раньше, также кое что уже предоставляли для прослушивания :)


01 Die Oros (03:07)
02 Mad Bad Cat (03:18)
03 Isa Auf Der Bruecke (00:48)
04 Ershter Tants [live] (03:23)
05 Eine Sirba [live] (02:40)
06 Marlene (03:36)
07 Elf-Achtel (03:16)
08 Gelb Zwo Drei (02:32)
09 Tanz Des Bauern (02:13)
10 Saragina Rumba [live] (02:06)
11 Chassidic Song [live] (04:39)
12 Sandgate (02:37)
13 Fahrstuhlmusik (00:47)
14 Vallee De Sirba (02:43)
15 Freilachs [live] (01:37)
16 Gator's Grin (02:30)
17 Kolomeyke (01:54)
18 E Major (09:25)

Ссылкa / Link: ... скачать альбом отдельными треками со страницы Светы... или "целиком" (а не отдельными треками) - Мульти-зеркала, и т.д. и т.п. / Multi-mirrors, etc :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Класс... Мне понравилось! :D ... Ребята исполняют отлично! (Можете, скажем, скачать сперва просто несколько треков .. и в этом убедицца) ;)
Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

"17 Hippies sounds like someone used a warped blender to mix an accordion, ukulele, banjo, saw, clarinet, violin, trumpet, trombone, flute, a Jew's harp, an Indian tampura, an Irish bouzouki, an assortment of other string and wind instruments, a Zydeco band, Luminescent Orchestrii, and a circus sideshow from somewhere in Eastern Europe. In other words, their sound is quite bizarre and absolutely fantastic."

"....My verdict? Overall, there is much to like here. 17 Hippies offers the listener an exotic mix of Klezmer, Gypsy, German, Spanish and jazz influences throughout. Anyone who enjoys world music will like this. The CD is musically balanced."
Mazur, Ирена,
Пятница, 29 Февраля 2008, 21:51 Avraham Fried - Yiddish Gems CD1
Вначале скачай.. - а потом благодари...

Так как, как полагаю я.. - все эти релизы .. ослинные .. - давно уже там мертвы в Осле....
Большинство по крайней мере....

Так что если не скачаешь.. - то благодарности выходят в холостую....

Лучше сперва попробовать скачать.. - и уже .. потом типа.. благодарить.. - если релиз - скачаецца :)

Пятница, 29 Февраля 2008, 7:17 Zupfgeigenhansel - Oj! Oj! Oj! (2002)
Zupfgeigenhansel - Oj! Oj! Oj! - Ein jiddisch-deutsches Konzert 2002 (192)

Исполнитель: Zupfgeigenhansel
Альбом: Oj! Oj! Oj! (Ein jiddisch-deutsches Konzert)
Год: Released 2002
Формат: mp3
Качество: 192 kbps
Размер: 61 mb
От: Найдено в сети интернета / @ zerogsound blogspot

Содержание как "треки в архиве":

Содержание правильное, "как на оригинальном CD":

01. Die Bauern Von St. Polten
02. Wenn Alle Bruennlein Fliesen
03. Der Re voluzzer
04. Andre, Die Das Land So Sehr Nicht Liebten
05. Victor Jara
06. Di Mame
07. Mojschele
08. Di Mesinke
09. Dire-gelt
10. Tsen Brider

Ссылкa / Link: Rapid... :D
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация

P.S. Класс... Мне понравилось! :D
Качайте на здоровье ... и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

Zupfgeigenhansel was a german folk duo, found in 1974 by Erich Schmeckenbecher and Thomas Fritz.

They tried to revive german folk songs with a democratic character building up a kind of alternative german folk style as a counter point to the very conservative official german folk music of that time. Once a journalist wrote about that attempt - refering to a very popular conservative german "Volksmusiker" calling himself Heino: "I wish Heino would listen to the music of Zupfgeigenhansel, so that he will stop singing his songs!"

They played on acoustic instruments like fiddle, guitar and button accordion and were singing songs about the life of common people of earlier times, about freedom and about treating the authorities, the church officials and military with contempt.

Here´s Zufpgeigenhansel with "Oj! Oj! Oj!", a recording of their so called "jiddisch-deutsches" concert.
Понедельник, 25 Февраля 2008, 5:08 Di Grine Kuzine - Klezmer's Paradise (1999)
от cianfulli...

Di grine kuzine ::: Klezmer's paradise
320 kbps

Alexandra Dimitroff: accordion, lead vocal
Johannes Kevenhörster: clarinet, soprano
Karel Komnatoff: trumpet, flugelhorn
Jens Domberg: tuba
Snorre Schwarz: drums

01 Aman 3:01
02 A glezl vayn 3:00
03 Cirpansko horo 3:50
04 Araber tants 4:51
05 Stepil dobri 4:27
06 Vranjanskij ekspres 4:23
07 Asi pare' 4:03
08 Salut Naftule 1:34
09 Lebedik Naftule bulgar 3:52
10 Nokh a Glezl Vayn 4:29
11 Üsküdar 4:08
12 Ruska slatna 4:18
13 Chava 5:27

1999 • Kuzine/T3 801111

Based in Berlin, Di Grine Kuzine, which means “the greenhorn cousin” have toured throughout Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Austria. The band with the unusual instrumentation of accordion, drums, tuba, trumpet, saxophone and voice has an unmistakeable sound: full of energy, danceable and compactly arranged. The result is very personal, with a heart-quickening freshness and sense of humour with which they have won themselves a loyal audience which spans all generations.

Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация
Exodus, Mazur, Ирена,
Вторник, 12 Февраля 2008, 3:34 Leo Fuchs Sings Yiddish Theater Favorites
Вот .. этот же релиз но... только порезанный на отдельные треки! .. cloud сделал!)))
Для просмотра этого блока необходима регистрация
Понедельник, 11 Февраля 2008, 17:37 Sarah Gorby - Les Inoubliables Chants Du Ghetto
Ещё кое что нашёл... :D

Tracklist (with songs duration)

01. Geyne Zey in Shvartse Reyen (Black Columns Are Moving) (2:45) Composed by Mani Leib
02. Mach Ye Deine Eiguelekh Tzu (Close Your Eyes Radio Cut) (3:12)
03. Dos Yingele Ligt Farbrent (The Burned Child Lies There) (3:11)
04. Zog Nit Keynmol (Never Say) (2:16)
05. Rivkele, Di Shabesdike (Tragic Event in the Ghetto of Bialistock ...) (2:52)
06. Tsien Zikh Makhnes Fartribene (DePortation) (2:39)
07. Undzer Shtetl Brent (Our Town Is on Fire) (3:01) Composed by Mordecai Gebirtig
08. Moyde Ani (3:17)
09. Dayn Mame Kumt Nit Tzurik (Your Mother Will Never Be Returning) (2:53)
10. A Yiddish Kind Fun Poyln (A Jewish Child of Poland) (3:01)
11. Kinderlekh, Kleyninke (Children, Little Ones) (3:07)
12. Es Hot Zikh Der Krig Shoyn Geendikt (The War Is Over) (2:39)

И вот ещё! ..Нету конца типа.... (крупная обложка... надеюсь что уже последняя)))) :D

Mazur, Ирена,
Понедельник, 11 Февраля 2008, 16:30 Sarah Gorby - Les Inoubliables Chants Du Ghetto
И также... нашёл bestbook.gif ..вот такие 3 обложки, с давольно редкого LP:

Понедельник, 11 Февраля 2008, 15:32 Sarah Gorby - Les Inoubliables Chants Du Ghetto

Сара Горби: Голос, покорявший континенты

Впервые голос Сары Горби я услышал подростком в начале 60-х. Отец, большой поклонник старой эстрады, с появлением в продаже первых магнитофонов принялся собирать записи кумиров прошлого: Петра Лещенко, Александра Вертинского, Юрия Морфесси. Почти одновременно в его коллекции оказались имена мало кому известных у нас артистов, выступавших и записывавшихся за рубежом: Бориса Немирова, Ирины Бондыревой, Сары Горби, Сони Шаминой, Мани Цыганки. Узнать что-либо о жизни и творческой судьбе этих сразу полюбившихся мне исполнителей русских и цыганских песен и романсов было тогда практически невозможно. Будучи мальчиком любознательным, я, однако, всячески пытался это сделать.

Помню, как, услышав однажды на отцовском магнитофоне Сару Горби, певшую романс Н. Харито «Тени минувшего» (лучшее женское исполнение по сей день!), моя музыкальная и обладавшая удивительной памятью бабушка вдруг решительно заявила, что это поет Иза Кремер. «Мама, вы ошибаетесь, — почтительно возразил отец, - это другая певица, Сара Горби». Но бабушка осталась при своем мнении. «Может быть, бабушка права, — подумалось мне. — Мало ли какие псевдонимы могла придумать певица-эмигрантка!» И я, ни разу до этого времени не слышавший об Изе Кремер, решил выяснить, кто она такая и где могла бабушка слышать ее голос.

Оказалось, что незадолго до революции Иза Кремер, в ту пору самая популярная эстрадная певица России, приезжала с гастролями в Баку, и проживавшая там бабушка побывала на ее концерте. Видимо, о ее восторженных впечатлениях от пения Изы Кремер был осведомлен мой отец, так как в 30-е или 40-е годы он, проживая в Москве, по случаю приобрел где-то шеллаковую пластинстинку фирмы «Коламбия» с за- писью двух песен в ее исполнении - «Бубенцы» и «Замело тебя снегом, Россия». Сколько раз слушал я эту пластинку, сравнивая голоса двух певиц! Конечно, я понял, что бабушка ошибалась, но что-то общее в их исполнительской манере явственно ощущалось. Много лет спустя я узнал, что обе родились в Бессарабии: Иза — в Бельцах в 1889 году, Сара — в Кишиневе в 1900-м. Но если у Изы с Бессарабией были связаны лишь детские годы (впоследствии она до эмиграции проживала в Одессе), то Сара жила там достаточно долго и, вполне вероятно, в 1913-м побывала на концерте одесских артистов (в т. ч. Изы Кремер) во время их кишиневских гастролей. Не исключено, что успех у зрителей своей прославившейся впоследствии землячки вдохновил Сару на занятия пением.

Впрочем, и без этого примера сама бессарабская земля в те годы могла любого одаренного человека побудить к этому, поскольку не было в России другого столь музыкального края, населенного известными своей музыкальностью молдаванами, евреями, цыганами и украинцами. Уроженцами Бессарабии были оперная певица Л.Я. Литовская, много лет царившая на русской и европейских сценах, солист Бухарестской оперы С. Закревский, выдающийся пианист и педагог И. Базилевский, известный романсовый певец Н. Баянов (отец Аллы Баяновой). Любимец всей России Петр Лещенко в детском возрасте был привезен матерью в Кишинев, где прожил много лет, именно в Бессарабии начав свою артистическую карьеру. Безусловно, Сара Горби знала и любила его творчество. После безвременной кончины певца в румынском « истребительно-трудовом» лагере она включила в репертуар его известные шлягеры, связанные с Бессарабией: «Жизнь цыганская», «Хорош мальчик» и «Чудо-чудеса»...

( Эту статью о Саре Горби целиком, вы можете прочесть на сайте Sem 40, вот тут: http://www.sem40.ru/culture/music/14551/ )
Понедельник, 11 Февраля 2008, 14:07 Sarah Gorby - Les Inoubliables Chants Du Ghetto
Sarah Gorby - Les Inoubliables Chants Du Ghetto (Unforgettable Songs of Ghetto), 1989, on CD 2001 (192)

Исполнитель: Sarah Gorby
Альбом: Les Inoubliables Chants Du Ghetto (Unforgettable Songs of Ghetto)
Год: Released 1989 (on CD 2001)
Формат: mp3
Качество: 192 kbps
Размер: 50 mb
От: Найдено в сети интернета / @ zerogsound blogspot

Содержание / Tracklist:


01. Geyen zey in shvartse Reyen (Ils marchent en rangs noirs)
02. Mach ye deine Eiguelekh tzu (Ferme les yeux)
03. Dos Yingele ligt farbrent (L'enfant brulй git lа)
04. Zog mit Keynmol (Ne dis jamais)
05. Rivkele, Di Shabesdike (Byalistock un samedi soir)
06. Tsien Zikh Makhnes Fartribene (Dйportation)
07. Und zer Shtetl brent (Notre village brыle)
08. Moyde ani
09. Dayn Mame kumt mit tzurik (Ta mиre ne reviendra plus)
10. A yiddish kind fun Poyln (Un enfant en Pologne)
11. Kinderlekh, kleyninke (Petits enfants)
12. Es hot zikh der Krig shoyn geendikt (La guerre est finie)


01. Geyne Zey in Shvartse Reyen [Black Columns Are Moving]
02. Mach Ye Deine Eiguelekh Tzu [Close Your Eyes Radio Cut]
03. Dos Yingele Ligt Farbrent [The Burned Child Lies There]
04. Zog Nit Keynmol [Never Say]
05. Rivkele, Di Shabesdike [Tragic Event in the Ghetto of Bialistock ...]
06. Tsien Zikh Makhnes Fartribene [DePortation]
07. Undzer Shtetl Brent [Our Town Is on Fire]
08. Moyde Ani
09. Dayn Mame Kumt Nit Tzurik [Your Mother Will Never Be Returning]
10. Yiddish Kind Fun Poyln [A Jewish Child of Poland]
11. Kinderlekh, Kleyninke [Children, Little Ones]
12. Es Hot Zikh Der Krig Shoyn Geendikt (The War Is Over)

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Holocaust Memorial Day - Sarah Gorby: Les Inoubliables Chants Du Ghetto

Not long ago was "the Holocaust Memorial Day, dedicated to the remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. The chosen date is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Army in 1945."

This was "an opportunity to show our respect for the survivors of Nazi persecution and mass murder, and to listen to what they can tell us about the best and the worst of human behaviour.

So here is Sarah Gorby with the album"Les Inoubliables Chants Du Ghetto". In choosing these twelve songs amongst hundreds of others, Sarah Gorby wished to immortalize the poets and musicians who died in the concentration camps during the Nazi dictatorship. She interprets these unforgettable songs of her people with a quivering exaltation; she follows the jagged rhythms of their bewailing and their lamentations. This record is an extraordinary document, rendered yet more intense by the orchestral arrangements of Jacques Lasry."

Local event took place and remembered the victims of the Holocaust.
Here is Info about that event:

P.S. Hmmm... rolleyes.gif ... также нашёл вот такую (красивую) обложку для этого альбома:

Суббота, 9 Февраля 2008, 21:24 10 Yiddish songs by Leo Fuchs (from old magnitofon)
Ув. cloud порезал для меня этот релиз (что был в одном куске) на отдельные треки.. и прислал мне его / прислал ссылку.. (правда это дело было давно уже))))))

Так что, если кому надо....

Вот ссылка на этот же альбом Fuchs'a отдельными треками .. и я также, ещё сделал пару зеркал на его ссылку :D

Вот... размер - 63 mb:
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P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

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