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Из переписки о судьбе Израиля
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Привет! Давно не виделись... :-))

Получил тут как-то на днях письмо от одного приятеля (он американец, нееврей) и вот что он пишет (надеюсь, что английский затруднений не вызовет?):

1) Jews were given the land of Israel

2) Jews would be driven out of this land (dispensation) and not one stone would be left upon another in Jerusalem. This happened in about 70 AD.

3) Jews would keep their heritage even though they are persecuted. Note: and what culture in the world has kept it's tradition for so long and under such difficult circumstances? The American Indian has no heritage except in museums, and Incans? Egyptians? Vikings? Romans? Greeks? ... nobody kept their heritage except Jews for thousands of years even after dispensation. That is amazing, and especially amazing it that it is prophesy written down in an old, old book. The Dead Sea Scrolls predate these times by 1000 years right?

4) Israel would be reborn in a day and flourish even greater than before. This is quite amazing. Imagine, a book 2000+ years old predicts a regathering of Israel, even before dispensation. Remember the factors that played into these events: a) Islam, b) oil, c) WWII. None of these factors could have been known by the person writing in the book so it seem to be the most accurate prophesy ever written... much bigger than Nostradamus or toll-free mind reader commercials on TV.

5) All nations of the world will come together against Jerusalem.

6) Jerusalem will be like an immovable rock, and enemies will bruise themselves against this rock but Jerusalem will not fall a second time.

7) Wars and rumors of wars, but many false end-time predictions.

Пойдет в качестве новой темы для обсуждения?

(Для справки: источник моего приятеля здесь: http://100prophecies.org/page3.htm - естественно, это нееврейский сайт, но там нет ни этих дурацких споров, как в Рунете, ни какой-либо явно навязываемой миссионерской деятельности и довольно интересно посмотреть.)
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