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> Professor Anna Shternshis. Canada
Ирена Pisces
Сообщение #1

слабая женщина
Иконки Групп

Группа: Супермодератор
Сообщений: 5 299
Регистрация: 25 Апреля 2003
Из: Москва


Пользователь №: 1
Спасибо сказали: 240 раз(а)

Аня Штерншис занимается советскими еврейскими песнями

Contact Info
Odette Hall, Rm. 312 (map)
St. Michael’s College, U of Toronto
50 St. Joseph St.
Toronto, ON M5S 1J4

Tel: (416) 926-2319
Fax: (416) 926-2329
Email: anna.shternshis@utoronto.ca
Secretary: (416) 926-2324

MA in Russian History and Archives from Russian State University of Humanities, Moscow
MA in Jewish Studies, "Project Judaica" (A Joint Venture of Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, YIVO and Russian State University of Humanities), Moscow
Yiddish Teaching Diploma, Oxford Center for Yiddish Studies, England
D.Phil in Modern Languages and Literatures, Oxford University, England
Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the
University of Pennsylvania.


Teaching Interests
GER 260 Elementary Yiddish Language
GER 360 Intermediate Yiddish Language
GER 460 Advanced Yiddish Language
GER 361 Introduction to Yiddish Literature in Translation
GER 362 Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Culture in the Soviet Union
GER 363 East European Jewish Cultural History: 1800 - 2000


Current Research Interests
Jewish culture in the Soviet Union 1917 - 1953
Oral History of post-Soviet Jews
Yiddish popular culture
Daily Life in the Soviet Union during the Stalinist Period


Invited Lectures, Papers, etc.
From Tailors to Yiddishe Mamma: Oral History of Popular Jewish Music in the Soviet Union, paper presented at the American Association of Advancement of Slavic Studies Convention, Boston, December 5, 2005

Use of Hasidic Tales in Soviet Propaganda, paper presented at invited conference on Hasidism at Queens University, Kingston, Canada, October 17, 2004

Trying to Transform the Tradition: Passover in the Soviet Union, invited lecture at the University of Urbana, Champaign, May 3, 2004

Gefilte Fish and Beautiful Shoes: an Image of Ideal Soviet Jewish Woman, presentation at American Jewish Studies Association Annual Meeting, Boston, December 20 - 22, 2003

Beyond Front Lines: Jewish Women in Soviet Read during World War II, paper presented at the American Association of Advancement of Slavic Studies Convention ,Toronto, Canada November 20 - 23, 2003

Yasha is a Pilot, He Is a Good Boy, paper presented at 'Soviet and Kosher': A Century of Russian Jewish Culture, invited conference at University of Toronto, 26- 27 October, 2003.

From Synagogue to Soviet Stage: Yiddish Amateur Theaters in Stalinist Russia, paper at invited conference, 'The Bimah and the Bine: Spirituality, Performance, and the Jewish Stage', University of Maryland, College Park, May 4, 2003

Can a 'Mentsh' Go to Church: Perceptions of Christianity among Elderly Jews in Moscow, presentation at American Jewish Studies Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA December 15 - 17, 2002

Jews Did not Kill Jesus Because Jesus Never Existed: The Presentation of Jews in the Soviet Media During the Interwar Period, presentation at the American Association of Advancement of Slavic Studies convention, November 14 - 18, 2001, Crystal City, VA, USA

Pink is Not a Jewish Colour: Identity of Soviet Jewish Youth in the 1930s - presentation at invited conference on Yiddish in the 20th Century, Bloomington, Indiana University, USA October 29-31, 2001

Jewish Daily Life in Soviet Russia - presentation at the American Oral History Association, St. Louis, MO, USA October 18 - 22, 2001

Yiddish Songs in the Soviet Union - presentation at the conference 'Modern Jewry and Arts', Philadelphia, PA, USA 2001 (organized by the Centre for Advanced Judaic Studies)

Anti-Religious Propaganda in the Soviet Union - invited lecture at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, USA, October 2001

Singing About Stalin: Yiddish Folk Songs in the Soviet Union; Trying to Transform Tradition: Jewish Identity in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, invited lectures at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, and University of Minneapolis, MN, USA December, 1999

Jewish Theatrical Trials in the Soviet Union 1917-1941, presentation at the American Association of Jewish Studies conference in Boston, MA, USA December, 1999

What Are You Doing Tonight: Amateur Culture of the Jewish Shtetl in the Soviet Union, 1917-1941 - Tell Lecture at YIVO, New York, NY, USA April, 1999

Yiddish Songs in the Soviet Union: The Reflection of Official Ideology in Popular Culture, 1917-1941, paper presented at the American Association of Jewish Studies Conference in Boston, Dec. 1998

Jewish Music in Russia and the Soviet Union, invited lecture at the University of Dortmund, Germany, February 1998. (in Yiddish).

Genres of Jewish Folk-songs in the Soviet Union, presentation at the International Conference on Jewish music, Moscow, Russia, May, 1996


Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1923 - 1939 (Indiana University Press), forthcoming

‘May Day, Tractors and Piglets: Yiddish Songs for Little Communists’, in Barbara Kirshenblat Gimmlet and John Karp, eds., Modern Jewry and Arts (University of Pennsylvania Press, forthcoming)

‘Choosing a Spouse in the USSR: Gender Differences and the Jewish Ethnic Factor,’ Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe (Winter 2(51) 2003)

‘Molodezhnaya kultura evreiskogo mestechka v 1930-e gody’ (Soviet Shtetl Youth Culture in the 1930s), Diaspory, 4 (2002), pp. 6- 26 (in Russian)

‘From the Eradication of Illiteracy to Workers’ Correspondents: Yiddish-Language Mass Movements in the Soviet Union’, East European Jewish Affairs, volume 33, no. 1, 2002, pp. 120– 137

‘Otrazheniye v pesnyakh na yidish osnovnykh sotsial’nykh protsessov s Sovetskom obschestve 20-30h godov’ (Soviet Society in Yiddish Songs during 1920s – 1930s), Judaica Rossica 1 (2001) pp. 202-222 (in Russian)

‘Passover in the Soviet Union, 1917 – 41’, East European Jewish Affairs, volume 31, No. 1, summer 2001, pp. 61-76

‘Soviet and Kosher in the Ukrainian Shtetl’, in Gennady Estraikh and Mikhail Krutikov, eds., The Shtetl Image and Reality (Oxford: Legenda, 2000), pp. 133- 151

‘Jewish experience as reflected in Soviet Yiddish songs.’ Evreiskaia muzyka (1998) 100-104

‘The Red Hagaddah: Anti-Religious Propaganda in the Soviet Union’, Di Pen Oxford, 2 (1998), (in Yiddish)

‘Far dem bestn traktorist vel ikh goloisirn: Yiddish ditties in the 1930s in the Soviet Union’, Zhivaia Starina, The Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 (1998), (in Russian)

Soviet Jewish songs 1917 - 1941, Preprint 25 (Moscow: Jewish Heritage Society, 1996), (in Russian).

"Rabbi Denikin and rabbi Kolchak: motivy Iskhoda v sovetskoi antireligioznoi propaganda sredi evreev v 20-30-e gody 20 veka. (Rabbi Denikin and Rabbi Kolchak: Exodus in Soviet anti-religious propaganda among Jews in the 1920s – 1930s) От Бытия к Исходу (From Genesis to Exodus) (1998), pp. 243-252 (in Russian)

Shternshis A., Chlenov M., ‘The System of the Yiddish Education in Russia in the 1990s’, Evreiskaia Shkola, 4 (1996), pp. 12 - 15 (in Russian)


Other Professional Activities, Appointments, and Affiliations

Rough Guide to the Music of Russia - CD compilation of contemporary Russian music, produced by World Music Network, UK - Co-compiler and co-author of liner notes, together with Dan Rosenberg

"Klezmer Behind the Iron Curtain" (A concert featuring Red Army Klezmer Band (Michael Alpert, German Goldenshteyn, Yosef Kagansky and Jeffrey Wollock) -producer, October 26, 2003, Isabel Bader Theater, Toronto.

"Soviet and Kosher: A Century of Jewish Culture in Russia," an international conference University of Toronto, 26 - 27 October, 2003. Organizing Committee consisted of Professor Peter Solomon, Professor Sterling Beckwith, and myself. The event also included two related concerts, and a movie screening. Hosted by CREES (Center for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Toronto) and sponsored by Chancellor Jackman Program for Arts, University of Toronto
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