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> Magyar Operettszinhaz - Wedding Dance - Еврейская оперетта из Венгрии, Menyasszonytаnc (The Wedding Dance) Еврейская оперетта из Венгрии 2006
Darkman Virgo
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Регистрация: 7 Октября 2006


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Очень хорошая еврейская оперетта из Венгрии.. (by Budapest Operetta Theatre) - Klezmer Musical

Всем рекомендую послушать :)

Magyar Operettszínház (Hungarian / Budapest Operetta Theater) - Menyasszonytánc (The Wedding Dance) 2006 (128)


Исполнитель: Magyar Operettszínház (Hungarian / Budapest Operetta Theater)
Альбом: Menyasszonytánc (The Wedding Dance)
Год выпуска: 2006
Формат: mp3
Качество: 128 (но чистое)))
Размер: 68 mb
От: Найдено в сети интернета

Содержание / Tracklist:

01 Le chajem Rebbe (Férfi énekkar)
02 Papír és papír és papír - Majzikné dala (Lehoczky Zsuzsa)
03 Pletyka (Arányi Adrienn, Chikány Béla, Énekkar)
04 Hová jutottunk - Bárány és András duettje
05 Blumné és az özvegyek
06 Futni, menekülni - András dala
07 Senkim sincs ...- Rózsi dala
08 Furcsa katonazene (Budapest Klezmer Band)
09 Tangó - Blumné és Herskovics duettje
10 Rózsi biblia dala
11 Rabbi és a pap (Jantyik Csaba, Faragó András)
12 Van úgy, hogy el kell menni ...- Dávid és Janka duettje
13 Rózsi és András duettje
14 Csalás és öncsalás - Herskovics kupléja
15 Jonel mulat (Budapest Klezmer Band)
16 Nem baj, ha lúdtalpas ... - Rabbi és az özvegyek (Molnár Piroska)
17 Jiddishe blues (Budapest Klezmer Band)
18 Ég a tuz ...- Jonel dala (Szabó P. Szilveszter)
19 Epilóg (Zábrádi Annamária, Énekkar)


( Source: tagtuner.com )

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P.S. Качайте на здоровье .. и наслаждайтесь / Enjoy! :)

Ferenc Jávori Fegya: The Wedding Dance
Based on the play by Ottó Indig
Written by István Kállai és György Böhm
Lyrics by Tibor Miklós
Artistic director: Miklós Gábor Kerényi

Premiere of the world's very first klezmer musical in the Operetta Theatre!

The story is happening in a Romanian-Hungarian-Jewish village in Transylvania. András Bárány - the son of the rich farmer - has his bridegroom's farewell party, he is about to marry the poor but very pretty Rózsi Patkós. This bridegroom's farewell party seems to be too long, since as it turns out, Rózsi doesn't have the documents needed to be married. After her parents' death nothing is left, no house, no money, no documents about the girl /certificate of birth or baptism /. The girl is working in the farmstead and she lives there, too. The notary Cosma - following the advice of Mrs. Majzik, who knows about everything what happened in the last 50 years here in the settlement - turns to the orphanage in Kolozsvár to get some information. The answers from the orphanage puts light on the fact that Rózsi is not the daughter of the Patkós family, she was only adopted by them and they have risen her as their own daughter. Her real father is the late Salamon Blum, the owner of the mill, and her mother is the seduced maid-of-all-work, Regina Weisz, who died after the birth very soon. The "corpus delicti" was given to the children's home secretly.
So it turns out, that Rózsi, who was believed to be a **istian, is a Jew! And she doesn't have the slightest idea what it is! She went to church as a faithful Catholic, she has made confession, and Communion and if she had a problem she turned to St. Anthony for help. András Bárány had a shock when hearing the terrible turn. It is not enough that her bride is a foundling but she is a Blum descendant, too! He feels he has to disappear, he has to run away! He joins the army against his father's protest.
Rózsi defends herself in vain saying that "Not everybody is lucky enough to be born into a family of his or her choice", her present company, acquaintances, friends reject her. The Jewish innkeeper of the village, uncle Herskovics with some philosophical inclination, takes the desperate Rózsi into protection. He gives her home - and in his own way- he begins to teach her to her new faith.
The wife of Salamon Blum gets very upset at the fist time, when the fickleness of her late husband turns out, but later she gets curious to learn Rózsi. She always wanted to have a child and this person out of law is a Blum descendant ... After all, Herskovics has used to court Mrs. Blum, as well, but the woman - who knows why? - has chosen the rich owner of the mill. Mrs. Blum get to like Rózsi and would like to rise her up as her own daughter. She wants to take her into wealth, into the Jewish community. But she is not accepted there either, she is expelled from there, too, she is none one of them, "the essentially still **istian person" according them...

Director: Attila Béres

Информация / Information & Исполнители / Cast:

Дополнительные фотографии - в Фотогалерии / Additional photos - in Photogallery:

Сообщение отредактировал Darkman - Понедельник, 7 Января 2008, 21:31

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